Welcome to Argent, formally Tie-Dye Petz. Tie-Dye Petz still exists, but is completely non-pkc.
Here you will find details of all my PKC petz and their offspring. There are also a few useful tools and shows to enter!
As for me...well, my name is Silver and I've been part of PKC longer than I care to remember . Over the years I've done many things within the club, including registrations, making certificates and holding shows. Currently I am a Guide, hold shows (details on the shows page) and I am the Head of the Petz Citizen Scheme. I've been involved with Petz Citizen since it started in July 2001. I started off as joint assistant head, then became the sole assistant head and have been the head since Lorna passed it on to me some time in 2002. I am always willing to help, where I can, so feel free to contact me . Contact methods are listed below. Happy showing!
AIM - Silver Is Insane
YahooIM - tiedyeuk
Email - silver (at) tie-dye[.]co[.]uk
PKC Forum - Silver